Who we are
curea medical GmbH, located in Berlingerode and Steinfurt, is a competent partner in the medical care sector. We use state-of-the-art technology and comply with the most stringent of hygiene requirements, from the development stage right through to the packaging of our products. curea wound care products are available in many different sizes and packs.
Progress and improvement of medical care – these principles form the basis of our company and our products. Our core competence lies in the development and manufacture of highly absorbent materials – an indicator of considerable and, occasionally, even vital significance in various medical treatment areas, primarily wound management.
What we do
SuperCore®, the successful, patented airlaid with no adhesives or binding agents, gives the wound products of the curea P-family as well as our hygiene products an extremely high absorption and retention capacity. SuperCore® technology was developed and patented by McAirlaid’s, the parent company of curea medical GmbH. All curea medical products thus possess impressive properties that are greatly appreciated by individual patients and medical staff alike.
What we offer
As a subsidiary of McAirlaid’s, one of the leading European companies in the specialised nonwoven segment, curea medical GmbH can draw on many years of successful experience in medical care – especially wound management. As the developer, producer and supplier of highly absorbent wound dressings with the patented SuperCore® airlaid, McAirlaid’s has set a precedent in state-of-the-art wound management.